Traffic Court

Instructions for Paying Traffic Citations

If you apply for Driving School, DO NOT pay ticket online. The Online Traffic Resolution (OTR) System allows defendants who received Traffic Citations in the state of Alabama from a Sheriff’s Deputy or an Alabama State Trooper an opportunity to resolve their ticket in an online process instead of appearing in court before the Judge. Form more information, visit:

If you have been charged with one of the listed offenses and would like to pay the fine without having to appear in court you can mail the full amount indicated to the address below. NO PERSONAL CHECKS WILL BE ACCEPTED. Mail a MONEY ORDER or CASHIER'S CHECK payable to Mark R. Eady, Circuit Clerk to the address below:

Mark R. Eady, Circuit Clerk
Traffic Court Division
P.O. Box 740370
Tuscumbia, AL 35674

PAYMENT INFORMATION: No personal or company checks accepted. Cashier’s check or money order are to be made payable to District Court.

Paying in person – Method of payment accepted: Cash, money order, cashier’s check, credit card. However, at this time, CREDIT CARD PAYMENTS WILL ONLY BE AVAIALABLE FOR PAYING TRAFFIC FINES.
Please call before coming in to pay to ensure that the citation has been entered in to the traffic system before paying in person at the office location listed.

Paying by mail – Method of payment accepted: Money order or cashier’s check made payable to District Court (please print your name clearly). Call us before mailing in payment to ensure the ticket has been entered in to the system. Payments can be received prior to court date. Mail to District Court, P.O. Box 740370, Tuscumbia, AL 35674

Paying through Alabama Traffic Service Center
Call 1-866-954-9399 - Office hours: 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

The following is the amount for Traffic Tickets as set for the District Court of Colbert County, Alabama Effective 6/21/2012

Tickets which may be paid without a court appearance.


Fines and Costs

With Warrant

Allowing minor to operate vehicle $215.00 $247.00
Attempting to elude $290.00 $322.00
Coasting $185.00 $217.00
Defective/no tow-away lamps $175.00 $207.00
Driving on sidewalk $185.00 $217.00
Driving on the wrong side of the road $195.00 $227.00
Driving while license cancelled/revoked/suspended $315.00 $347.00
Failure to dim headlights $175.00 $207.00
Failure to move to right $185.00 $217.00
Failure to stop at railroad crossing $175.00 $207.00
Failure to use child restraint $46.00 $221.00
Failure to wear safety belt $31.00 $78.00
Failure to yield to emergency vehicle $215.00 $247.00
Failure to yield right-of-way $185.00 $217.00
Following emergency vehicle $215.00 $247.00
Following too closely $185.00 $217.00 
Hitchhiking $175.00 $207.00
Improper brakes/backing $185.00 $217.00
Improper brake lamps $190.00 $222.00
Improper lane usage $185.00 $217.00
Improper lights $185.00 $217.00
Improper muffler $175.00 $207.00
Improper or no rearview mirror $185.00 $217.00
Improper passing $185.00 $217.00
Improper signal $175.00 $207.00
Improper tag/Expired tag/No tag $190.00 $222.00
Improper tie downs $190.00 $222.00
Improper tires $185.00 $217.00
Improper turn $185.00 $217.00
Improper window tinting $185.00 $217.00
Inoperative turn signal $175.00 $207.00
Inoperative required lamp $190.00 $222.00
Insecure/shifting/spilling load $190.00 $222.00
Littering highway $265.00 $297.00
Move over law (Move to left) $31.00 $78.00
No annual inspection $190.00 $222.00
No flares or warning device $185.00 $217.00
No helmet (motorcycle) $175.00 $207.00
No insurance $315.00 $347.00
No log book $190.00 $222.00
No/expired medical certificate $190.00 $222.00
No warning projected load $185.00 $217.00
Open container $31.00 $78.00
Operating a motor vehicle without a driver's license $240.00 $272.00
Oversized/Overweight vehicle/No permit $265.00 $297.00
Parking more than 18 inches from curb $195.00 $227.00
Passing stopped school bus $265.00 $297.00
Reckless driving $290.00 $322.00
Refusal to weigh $465.00 $497.00
Running red light or Stop sign $185.00 $217.00
Speeding (less than 25 mph over limit) $185.00 $217.00
Speeding (25 mph or more over limit) $205.00 $237.00
Spotlighting (casting a light from a public road) $265.00 $297.00
Stopping/blocking the highway $195.00 $227.00
Switched tag $265.00 $297.00
Unattended motor vehicle $190.00 $222.00
Violating driver's license restriction or endorsement $225.00 $257.00
Windshield obstruction $185.00 $217.00

Please note that traffic violations not listed in the chart above cannot be paid without court appearance.

Defensive Driving School Options

Driving school may be permitted at the judge's discretion.