Absentee Information

Absentee Voting


A voter may cast an absentee ballot if he or she

  • IS ILL OR HAS A PHYSICAL DISABILITY that prevents a trip to the polling place
  • IS PHYSICALLY INCAPACITATED AND WILL NOT BE ABLE TO VOTE IN PERSON BECAUSE THEY CANNOT ACCESS THEIR ASSIGNED POLLING PLACE DUE TO ONE OF THE FOLLOWING DISABILITIES (neurological, musculoskeletal, respiratory (including speech organs), cardiovascular, or other life-altering disorder that affects his or her ability to perform manual tasks, stand for any length of time, walk unassisted, see, hear or speak) AND: A) HE OR SHE IS AN ELDERLY VOTER AGED 65 OR OLDER; OR B) HE OR SHE IS A VOTER WITH A DISABILITY
  • IS A REGISTERED ALABAMA VOTER LIVING OUTSIDE THE COUNTY, such as a member of the armed forces, a voter employed outside the United States, a college student, or a spouse or child of such a person
  • IS AN APPOINTED ELECTION OFFICER OR POLL WATCHER at a polling place other than his or her regular polling place
  • EXPECTS TO WORK A REQUIRED SHIFT, 10-HOURS OR MORE, that coincides with polling hours
  • IS A CAREGIVER for a family member to the second degree of kinship by affinity or consanguinity and the family member is confined to his or her home
  • IS CURRENTLY INCARCERATED in prison or jail and has not been convicted of a felony involving moral turpitude

Please send a COPY of I.D. with Absentee Ballot Application. Examples of valid I.D., but is not limited to are: Driver's License, copy of a current utility bill, bank statement, government check, paycheck, or other government document that shows the NAME AND ADDRESS OF THE VOTER, valid U.S. military I.D., valid U.S. passport, etc. Please mail the completed application to:

Mark R. Eady, Absentee Election Manager
P.O. Box 740370
Tuscumbia, AL 35674

Please visit www.alabamavotes.gov for more information on absentee voting and other possible general questions concerning voting.

Questions? Please call us at 256-386-8511.